"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret MeadGOOD NEWS! To date, 21 Greater Lex. churches and youth fellowship groups are committed to taking a stand against hunger and poverty in our world, and right here in Central and Eastern KY, on Sunday, Sept. 28th. Our goal is to raise $25,000 to help our neighbors, near (God's Pantry Food Bank) and far (Church World Service) that are struggling to feed their families and to secure access to clean, safe water.
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Oxford Christian's 2013 Walk Team |
MORE GOOD NEWS! You and Yours can join this Labor of Love mission now! Go to cropwalkonline.org or click the 'Donate' or 'Support a Team' links in the right-hand column of this blog.
Walk Day INFO:
- 3 PM. NO registration fee. If you register on-line, DO bring your hard copy reg. form with you.
- Bring your dime collection bottles OR keep until Nov. 1st and turn-in with remainder of funds raised.
- Bring a can food for God's Pantry. Protein foods needed--peanut butter, canned meats along with canned fruits/veggies.
- Bring your own water bottle. We are 'Green'.
- Educational stations along the route will show our relative privileges. Music stations will celebrate our unity to make a difference.
- Unable to walk the 3 miles? 2nd Pres. church van will drive the route.
- Welcome our honorable guests. Rev. John McCullough and Mr. John Dolon
Much appreciation to Rev. Jerry Johns, First Christian DOC Church, Winchester, and his congregation for once again sponsoring a water station at the Pioneer Festival Labor Day weekend to benefit our Walk. WOW! the large glass bowl was filling fast with donated dollars when I visited their booth Sat. afternoon. I loved seeing the CROP Hunger Walk T-shirt hanging from their tent.
God's Pantry Food Bank 'kicks-off' Hunger Action Month on Sept. 1st. "We are painting this community orange, the color of hunger, so Together We Can Solve Hunger." The CROP Hunger Walk is one of their action events! See hungeraction.org and drop by the Food Bank to pick up your Orange yard sign! Placing mine today. :)
Abundant Thanks to all the participants, recruiters and volunteers that are putting their faith into action as we work together to share help, bring gifts of hope and advocate for ALL of God's children.
See you the 28th!
Judy M.
Here is our walk route for 2014