(source: UN Food and Agriculture Org., US Dept. of Agriculture)
Worldwide: 98% of the world's hungry live in developing countries.
In the USA: 50.2 million Americans live in food-insecure households.

The Greater Lex. CROP Hunger Walk is open to everyone concerned with the moral issues of hunger and poverty. There is NO registration fee when you arrive at 3:00 PM Sunday, Sept. 30th at Second Presbyterian Church, E.Main/Ransom St., Lex. KY. The 3 mile experiential Walk begins promptly at 3:30 PM.
Just bring at least one friend!, a non-perishable food item for God's Pantry (can meats and peanut butter are really needed), and your water bottle to be refilled at the water stop along the route. The Walk logo T-shirts will be available for sale too.
As of Sept. 10th, 30 churches/school groups/organizations have committed to 'Helping End Hunger One Step at a Time.' 11 Teams are already receiving on-line donations at www.cropwalkonline.org. WOW! $2,475 just now. (The on-line site is available through March 2013.) You also have the option to set-up your own, personalized fundraising 'Team.' Just follow the simple instructions, which include Walk registration, at www.cropwalkonline.org.
Working together, we can help build a world where there is enough for all.
Abundant Thanks!
Judy Ellis