We make a living by what we GET
but we make a life by what we GIVE.
Sir Winston Churchill
Yeah! another warm, sunny afternoon welcomed 250+ enthusiastic Hunger Fighters Sunday, Sept. 30th, 2018.
We represented a diverse interfaith community of 22 church families and 2 organizations, LexVets and God's Pantry Food Bank, from 6 counties: Fayette, Jessamine, Clark, Madison, Bourbon and Woodford. This year we welcomed 'new' friends; St. John's Episcopal Church, Versailles, LexVets organization and Versailles Presbyterian Church. We were delighted and honored Andrew Gifford, our Church World Service Community Specialist liaison, Columbus, Ohio, shared the afternoon with us; greeting Walkers, creating colorful posters, offering our send-off charge and walking!
Upon serving my 15th year organizing and walking with each one of you and yours in our partnership with Church World Service and God's Pantry Food Bank, I am exceedingly grateful for all that we've accomplished again this year making our community and world a better place for all God's children in need. With end-of-year donations still being counted, let us Celebrate our recent treasurer's report, "very good estimate of $24,200"; the 3rd highest amount we've raised in our Walk's 31 year history! I'm extremely confident the final tally will include the $45.00 needed to reach 2nd place! We are so close!
Anticipating our 2019 Walk mission with each
one of you and yours....and others!
Walking Together in Peace, Joy and Love,
Judy Maxson
Save these 2019 Dates!
Recruiter's Rally,
Thurs. Aug. 22nd, 7 PM 2nd Presbyterian Church
Greater Lex. CROP Hunger Walk,
Sun. Sept. 29th, 3 PM 2nd Pres.
Pisgah Walkers
Crestwood Walkers