One Step at a Time.

AND what a difference we made last year! For the first time ever, we surpassed our $25,000 goal by $760.00! Our 25% grant to God's Pantry Food Bank provided over 51,000 meals to our food-insecure friends in Central and Eastern KY. Church World Service receives 75% of the funds which assist global communities to gain access to clean water, begin a community garden, train local farmers with sustainable agriculture techniques, etc. A $100.00 donation will train 25 farmers. A $20.00 gift will supply a year of micro-nutrient packets to a child in a CWS Therapeutic Feeding Center; enough to bring a malnourished child to a healthy standard of living. Yes, we are destined to share our bounty with "the least of these."
WALK DAY, SEPT. 25th Info:
Since Alfalfa Restaurant, E. Main St., donates a percentage of their total sales on WALK DAY, do plan to enjoy a scrumptious brunch the 25th! Thank them for being our enthusiastic partner last year and now!
BRING with you: At least one other person!, a water bottle (refills available at 1st Christian Church, Winchester's Water Station in Gratz Park), non-perishable protein food (peanut butter, can chicken, tuna) for God's Pantry, good walking shoes, posters to carry! Strollers, dogs OK but please! NO scooters, bikes, skateboards.

3:25 PM: Responsive CROP Hunger Walk Litany and Send-off.
3:30 PM: 3-mile experiential Walk through downtown, historic Gratz Park, and South Hill. Our Walk is NOT a race. Take time to learn more about hunger/poverty at the educational stations. Follow the Walk signs! Remain on the sidewalks and PLEASE be mindful of uneven concrete! Crossing guard volunteers will be stationed at busy intersections. NO jaywalking! Thank You! The 2nd church bus will be provided again this year and will stop at the educational stations along the route. One can ride/walk as needed....or ride the entire route.
Gratitude to the many committed recruiters, Team Leaders and participants from 5 counties that are motivating and mobilizing their churches and organizations, to all our on-line Spirit Walkers from near and far, and to the many volunteers that assist my team and me with coordinating this worthy mission! We are bringing gifts of HOPE, sharing HELP and restoring DIGNITY to all God's children in need of the most basic human rights. Hunger is NOT an issue of charity but an issue of Justice!
Walking together in peace, joyful blessings and love,
Judy Maxson, Walk Coordinator jke659@gmail.com
The 2016 Downtown 3-mile Experiential Walk
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