"When you are hungry, you can't think of anything else."
Janie Mendez, 17
Janie Mendez, 17
We know that hunger does exist in all of our KY communities and around the world. For many adults and children, going to bed hungry is not a threat; it's a regular happening! AND...YES! you and I can "do something about it!"
How? By working together with our families, friends and neighbors to increase awareness of hunger and poverty and to raise funds for God's Pantry Food Bank and Church World Service. We will continue our mission to help end hunger one step at a time on Sunday Sept. 27th when we walk in solidarity in the Greater Lexington CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) Hunger Walk.
Last year we raised $19,435. We will work more diligently this year to attain our long standing goal of $25,000. We CAN do this! We have the resources in Central KY to make this a reality. As your Walk team begins planning for this year's event, we will be contacting the 30 groups that participated in 2014, along with 'new' groups, before June 30th. We are looking forward to working with each one of you!
Thank You!
Judy Maxson,
Walk coordinator