"There are people in the world so hungry, that God
cannot appear to them except in the form of bread."
Mahatma Gandhi
#E1-B1 Each One - Bring One to the Greater Lexington CROP (Communities Responding to Overcome Poverty) Hunger Walk
Sunday, Sept. 27, 3:00 PM
2nd Presbyterian Church, E. Main/Ransom
The ONLY Central/Eastern KY Hunger Walk is NOT just a church event. But we are a 'Labor of Love' community, walking in solidarity with ALL of our sisters, brothers and children, near and far, in their struggle to feed their families and secure access to clean, safe water. And, YES!, our neighbors in 50 counties served by God's Pantry Food Bank and served by Church World Service benefit from our fund raising efforts! Last year, GPFB was able too provide nearly 27,000 meals with their 25% grant. One of the many CWS programs that received funds from the 1300 national 'grassroots' CROP Hunger Walks was improving access to clean water, sanitation, and food to 6,000 people in Indonesia. Much progress has been made these past several years for tens of thousands of lives... but yet, there is far to go. (
www.churchworldservice.org and
No one has ever become poor by giving. We are a generous community. We have the resources to educate our communities that Hunger is Real and Hunger is Near. I truly believe our caring, compassionate community can reach our long-hopeful goal of $25,000 this year. I know we can do this! If not already done; I'm requesting that your church, civic club, organization, school sign-up your TEAM TODAY ... and then follow-up with sharing WHY you are Walking (go to Participant Center). The right column of this blog has a direct link to the on-line site OR go to
www.cropwalkonline.org. Promote the Walk on your social media and CROP Hunger Walk's FB.
Arrive 3 PM to register and fellowship. Activities will include poster-making (BRING plenty of your own SIGNS too), purchase Walk T-shirt, $12 (proceeds donated), hopeful face painting, God's Pantry Food Bank station (BRING non perishable item (protein foods needed!), "ONE" Campaign representatives, group pictures...and more.
3:25 pm- CROP Hunger Walk Litany responsive send off. Memorial minute for recently deceased, Carnella Clay. Our tireless, passionate St. Peter Claver Church recruiter these past several years.
3:30 PM....WALK begins....ALL new route through Eastside, Kenwick and Bell House.
We have 'new' groups presenting experiential stations along the route...plus musicians too! Our youth devote much thought,time, and energy developing their educational stations. DO STOP at each station!...to not only reflect on YOUR blessings but to appreciate their work. Our Walk is NOT a Race. FOLLOW THE WALK SIGNS! NO JAYWALKING! REMAIN on the SIDEWALKS and please, be mindful of uneven places. THANK YOU!
We are 'GREEN'. BRING your own water bottle. Refills at Victory Christian Church's water station.
Lakshman will drive the 2nd Pres. van for those unable to Walk the 3 miles. He will stop at the 'stations'.
Gratitude to the many committed leaders and participants from 5 counties that are mobilizing their churches/groups, to all of our Spirit Walkers that are donating on line and to the many volunteers that help my team and I coordinate this worthy mission! We are putting our faith into action to Share Help, Bring Gifts of Hope and Advocate for ALL of God's children.
Abundant Thanks!
Judy Maxson, Coordinator Greater Lex. CROP Hunger Walk
The 2015 Walk Route. Click for larger view.