Approximately 325 caring, concerned Central KY citizens walked in solidarity at the Greater Lex. CROP Hunger Walk on Sunday, Sept. 29th for all our sisters and brothers, not only in KY, but around the world struggling with the moral issues of hunger and poverty."They are to do good, to be rich in good works,
to be generous and ready to share...."
1 Timothy 6:18

Abundant Thanks to Steve Wyatt and friends from Woodland Christian, Rev. Wendy and Oxford Christian members, Stacey Stone, her family and youth from UUC, Rev. Jerry and youth from 1st Christian, Winchester, 2nd Presbyterian youth lead by Lucie and Patrick, and Alice, God's Pantry for their very informative, creative, and detailed educational presentations! Your efforts and time involved with researching facts to develop your posters and brochures were imperative with increasing awareness of hunger and poverty. I hope each one of you received as many compliments about your 'stations' as I heard!
Once again, MANY THANKS! to my team, participants, recruiters, and volunteers that contributed to our most successful CROP Hunger Walk yet! Next year's Walk: SUNDAY, SEPT. 28th, 2014.
Peace, Love, and Joy
Judy Maxson, Walk Coordinator