Tuesday, February 4, 2020

2019 Greater Lexington CROP Hunger Walk Follow-Up

"Always remember, you have within you the Strength, the Patience, and the Passion to reach for the Stars to change the world."
-Harriet Tubman

Let us celebrate Greater Lex. Hunger Fighters! Our 50th Anniversary fund raising brought us closer to our 'Stars'; our journey to reach our collective $30K goal. We're on our way...our most yet... $26,206.37!

Having fun before the Walk began
We welcomed several first time Walkers representing Central Baptist Church, Central Christian, Newman Center Holy Spirit and Danville Presbyterian, 18 senior pastors, associate pastors and youth leaders were among the 230+ folks ranging in age from babies to 80+ year old youngsters! On a personal note, several family members from AZ, MD, CO and IL completely surprised me showing-up 'last minute' to Walk with us!
MidLife Harmony entertains the gathering crowd

MidLife Harmony's energetic beat got our 'soles' ready to go, colorful posters were made at the Art station, many cans of food were donated at God's Pantry Station, 'ONE' station promoted letter writing to retain SNAP benefits and Friends Meeting shared literature depicting other ways we can be of service. 'Twas a glorious, blessed Anniversary Walk. 

Abundant gratitude to everyone for giving your time, energy, resources and dedication to our mission! 🙏
Special recognition to my Team: Nell, Anne, Kris, Alice, Nathan and Phil. Thanks again, Rev. Jerry and 1st Christian Church, Winchester for selling water to raise funds during Pioneer Day Festival Labor Day weekend and providing water along our Walk route keeping folks and furry friends hydrated. Thank You! Team Captains for your commitment, diligence and creativity engaging your church, organization, family and friends in our Walk.

My honor to Walk in Peace, Joy and Love with Church World Service, God's Pantry Food Bank and each Walker making our community and world a better place for ALL God's children in need.

Looking forward to our 2020 Walk Mission!
Judy M.

Save these Dates!
Team Captain Rally, Thurs. Aug. 20
CROP Hunger Walk, Sun. Sept. 27, 3 PM 2nd Presbyterian